Marzia Capasso

Administrative Collaborator

Master’s degree in Marine and Naval Sciences near the Naval Academy of Livorno in concert with the University of Pisa. Administrative assistant at the CNR from 16/02/2011.
Member of the Project Office of CNR IRBIM, deals with support to the programming, presentation and management of national and international research projects, assistance to researchers in the phase of participation in research projects, support to the management of administrative procedures related to research funding and reporting external funds.
In particular, she is responsible for reporting, monitoring expenditure and management support for projects related to different programmes, such as TERRITORIAL COOPERATION, the PRIN Programme, EMFF, H2020 and HORIZON EUROPE.
She is also responsible for the delegation management service, supporting researchers in producing the request for delegation for operational conventions and project proposals.



The research activities of the Institute are carried out in the context of research, development and innovation projects, both national and international, based on regional funding programs (POR FEAMPA - Regional Operational Program of the European Maritime Affairs Fisheries Fund and Aquaculture and POR FESR - Regional Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund) or ministerial (PRIN - Projects of relevant national interest, PNRA - National Research Program in Antarctica, PO FEAMPA - National Operational Program European Maritime Affairs Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund) , programs for European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg), direct funding programs of the European Commission (Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe, Life, JPI - Joint Programming Initiatives, ERA-NET Cofund) and thematic collaboration initiatives managed by international organizations such as, for example , the FAO - GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean). The Institute also develops funded projects in the context of collaborations with private companies in the sectors of the blue economy as well as technology transfer and research results. Research projects, mainly of a collaborative nature, are developed through a wide network of partners that include major Italian and foreign research institutions and universities.

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