Environmental care as a lever of sustainable development

SISTEMA is a territorial project, coordinated by the Municipality of Ancona, dedicated to the protection, promotion and enhancement of land-sea ecosystems in the area of the city of Ancona and the Conero Park, understood as a flywheel for the growth of sustainable, inclusive and innovative economies and communities that make environmental care a lever for local productions capable of contributing to the achievement of the SDGs 11, 14 and 15 of the 2030 Agenda. The project will act within an ecosystem largely protected by a Nature Park and Natura 2000 sites established under the Habitats Directive, where production activities and urban settlements act within natural terrestrial and marine contexts subject to increasingly intense anthropization. Public administrations, Third Sector entities, associations, producers, economic activities and Research Centers participate in the project with the aim of redefining production, consumption, communication and relationship strategies with terrestrial and coastal environments in a sustainable way according to multiple and complementary activity directions: from land to sea; from sea to land; from man to man; from environment to man; from urban center to protected areas; from protected areas to the city.
Along these lines, the project will organize its actions, which will cover the following areas: ecological conversion of production systems (organic farming and Small Scale Fishery) and strengthening their aggregative and distributional capacity; tourism enhancement; environmental education and animation; and communication and information to citizens. The ambition is to support the growth of sustainable, responsible and aware communities through actions promoted by multi-actor partnerships, capable of guaranteeing measurable impacts and proposing innovative and scalable solutions both in the tools and methodologies adopted, keeping at the center of the project strategy, as the polar star of the SISTEMA, the ancestral relationship between land and sea on which the history and economy of this territory has been built. This generative approach will transcend the temporal boundaries of the project itself, thanks to an intense strategic as well as economic commitment on the part of the City of Ancona, giving rise to new systems of organization, production, fruition and enhancement that can continue and multiply in time and space the results obtained, providing opportunities for work, exchange and growth for the community as a whole.
IRBIM CNR is contributing to the Project through research dedicated to the Small Scale Fishery sector, encouraging the adoption of fishing practices and gears that have less impact on the environment, supported by scientific evidence and through the expertise available to the partnership. At the same time, it is planned to operate an awareness campaign and direct involvement of Small Scale Fisheries operators with the aim of fostering the penetration of the proposed practices and techniques, up to the persuasion of operators about the advantages of their use.


Luca Bolognini




Programme: Fondazione Cariverona

Duration: September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2024

Budget: 415.000,00 €

Budget IRBIM: 50.000,00 €

Areas of Research:


Luca Bolognini



Emilio Notti

Senior Technologist


Research Projects

The research activities of the Institute are carried out in the context of research, development and innovation projects, both national and international, based on regional funding programs (POR FEAMPA - Regional Operational Program of the European Maritime Affairs Fisheries Fund and Aquaculture and POR FESR - Regional Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund) or ministerial (PRIN - Projects of relevant national interest, PNRA - National Research Program in Antarctica, PO FEAMPA - National Operational Program European Maritime Affairs Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund) , programs for European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg), direct funding programs of the European Commission (Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe, Life, JPI - Joint Programming Initiatives, ERA-NET Cofund) and thematic collaboration initiatives managed by international organizations such as, for example , the FAO - GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean). The Institute also develops funded projects in the context of collaborations with private companies in the sectors of the blue economy as well as technology transfer and research results. Research projects, mainly of a collaborative nature, are developed through a wide network of partners that include major Italian and foreign research institutions and universities.

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