Specifications for the Mediterranean and Black Sea Regional Data Base and Fishery Information System and final requirements including a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) definition

Paola Carrara and Martina Zilioli;

Work Package 3 (WP3) is in charge of producing the Deliverable 3.1, whose objective is to illustrate the final
requirements of the MED&BS Regional Database and Fishery Information System (MED&BS RDBFIS) by
including the definition of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for the application. These contents depend on
the results of activities performed by WPs operating in upstream phases of the project (i.e. WP1: AS-IS
analysis to describe current set up and business needs; WP2: TO-BE analysis: what we need in future) as well
as on the WP3 assessments pertaining the technological, human and policy dimensions of the system (i.e.
use cases, RDBFIS governance and membership model, data policy).
In the timeframe of WP3 actions (from month 4 to month 8), the outcomes of WPs, which are hierarchically
interconnected to the former WPs, constituted the basis of the present elaboration and are collected in
documents which are referenced in the following section “Contribution and Materials”.

2021 - Rapporto di progetto (Project report)


Keywords: Fishery Information System, Mediterranean and Black Sea Fishery Managament, Data Collection Framework, ICT requirements Analysis, Minimum Viable Product

CNR People


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