New records of rarely reported species in the Mediterranean Sea (July 2023)

Daniele GRECH1; 2; 3; Emanuele ASCIUTTO4; Rigers BAKIU5; Pietro BATTAGLIA4; Chaima BEN-GRIRA6; Öznur Yaz?lan ÇAMLIK7; Roberto CAPPUCCINELLI8; Leila CARMONA9; 10; Sahar CHEBAANE6; 11; 12; Fabio CROCETTA13; Andrea DESIDERATO14; Filippo DOMENICHETTI15; Jakov DUL?I?16; Paolo FASCIGLIONE17; Bella S. GALIL18; Mohamad Younis GALIYA19; Razy HOFFMAN18; Joachim LANGENECK2; 20; Lovrenc LIPEJ21; Enric MADRENAS22; Michela MARTINELLI15; María del Rosario MARTÍN-HERVÁS9; Claudio MASALA3; Francesco MASTROTOTARO20; 23; Borut MAVRIC21; Federica MONTESANTO20; 24; ; Serena MUCCIOLO14; Ranim Mohamad OTHMAN19; Juan SEMPEREVALVERDE25; Alen SOLDO26; Andrea SPINELLI27; Ergün TA?KIN7; Francesco TIRALONGO28; 29; Andrea TOSO2; 20; 30; Egidio TRAINITO31; Domen TRKOV21; Dyana VITALE32; Lorenzo ZACCHETTI15;

This Collective Article presents new information about the occurrence of 23 marine taxa that belong to five Phyla: two Chlorophyta,
one Annelida, six Mollusca, three Arthropoda, eleven Chordata (one Ascidiacea, one Elasmobranchii and nine Teleostei)
and extending from the Western Mediterranean to the Levantine Sea. All these records were reported from nine countries from the
western to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, with a broad biogeographical coverage as follows: Spain: first records of the sacoglossans
Cyerce graeca and Placida tardyi for the Alboran Sea and first records of the nudibranch Marionia gemmii for the Mediterranean
waters of Spain; first records of nudibranch Algarvia alba in the Mediterranean Sea. Italy: First report of the long-legged
crab Paragalene longicrura, a further new Mediterranean record of the rare offshore rockfish Pontinus kuhlii, first documented
record of the spiny butterfly ray Gymnura altavela in Sardinia (Tyrrhenian Sea), new record of the red-spotted wrasse Lappanella
fasciata from the Messina Strait, first documented record of the rarely observed brown moray Gymnothorax unicolor in the Ionian
coast, first record of the colonial ascidian Botrylloides israeliensis, first record of the Morocco dentex Dentex maroccanus, first
record of mottled shore crab Pachygrapsus maurus and of an adult specimen of barracudina Lestidiops sphyrenoides in the Adriatic
Sea, and further new Mediterranean records of Ross worm Sabellaria spinulosa along the same coast. Tunisia: second record
of smalleye squaretail Tetragonurus cuvieri from the African Mediterranean coast. Slovenia: first records of the sea slug Trapania
graeffei and Melanochlamys wildpretii, with the last one also representing the northernmost finding of this species. Croatia:
northernmost record of the endangered twaite shad Alosa fallax in the Adriatic coast. Albania: first records of the Mediterranean
spearfish Tetrapturus belone. Türkiye: first record from the Aegean coasts for Türkiye of the green macroalgae Cladophora battersii
and Valonia aegagropila. Israel: first record of the skeleton shrimp Caprella acanthifera in the Southeastern Mediterranean
Sea. Syria: first record of the Smooth grenadier Nezumia aequalis from Syrian marine waters.

2023 - Articolo in rivista

Mediterranean Marine Science (Online) 24 (2023): 392–418. doi:10.12681/mms.30401

Keywords: rarely reported species, new records

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