Water quality integrated system: A strategic approach to improve bathing water management

Pierluigi Penna(a); Elisa Baldrighi(a); Mattia Betti(a; e); Luigi Bolognini(b); Alessandra Campanelli(a); Samuela Capellacci (c; e); Silvia Casabianca (c; e); Christian Ferrarin(d); Giordano Giuliani(a); Federica Grilli(a); Michele Intoccia(f); Elena Manini(a); Fabrizio Moro(a); Antonella Penna(c; e); Fabio Ricci(c; e); Mauro Marini(a; e);

In the Adriatic Sea, massive rainfall events are causing flooding of rivers and streams, with severe consequences
on the environment. The consequent bacterial contamination of bathing water poses public health risks besides
damaging tourism and the economy. This study was conducted in the framework of WATERCARE, an EU Interreg
Italy-Croatia Project, which aims at reducing the impact of microbial contamination on Adriatic bathing water
due to heavy rainfall events drained in the local sewage network and; enhancing the quality of local waters; and
providing support for the decision-making processes regarding the management of bathing water in line with EU
regulations. The study involved the development of an innovative water quality integrated system that helps
meet these objectives. It consists of four components: a real time hydro-meteorological monitoring system; an
autosampler to collect freshwater samples during and after significant rainfall events; a forecast system to
simulate the dispersion of pollutants in seawater; and a real-time alert system that can predict the potential
ecological risk from the microbial contamination of seawater. The system was developed and tested at a pilot site
(Fano, Italy). These preliminary results will be used to develop guidelines for urban wastewater and coastal
system quality assessments to contribute to develop policy actions and final governance decisions.

2021 - Journal article

Journal of environmental management (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113099

Keywords: Adriatic Sea, European directives, Microbial contamination, Rainfall events, Decision support system, Bathing water management

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