Sparkling plastic: Effects of exposure to glitter on the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

Provenza F.; Anselmi S.; Specchiulli A.; Piccardo M.; Barcelo D.; Prearo M.; Pastorino P.; Renzi M.;

Microbeads and fragments have been widely studied, while glitter remains neglected by the literature although found in a variety product (e.g., body paints, nail polish, cosmetics, craft products). The main aim of this study was to assess the effects of different types and concentrations of glitter particles on Mytilus galloprovincialis after 7 days of exposure. The experiment was divided into a preliminary test and a confirmatory test. Our findings support the hypothesis for a link between concentration and type of glitter particles, percentage of recovery and oxidative stress in M. galloprovincialis. There was a significant correlation between particle length and percentage of particles recovered in water, suggesting that the digestive tract of M. galloprovincialis retains smaller particles more. In addition, we noted an increase in antioxidant defense induced by smaller particles. Moreover, certain types of glitter crumbled and shortened in length, resulting in higher levels of oxidative stress biomarkers. Finally, the star-shaped glitter particles had a different effect on oxidative stress biomarkers. Further studies are needed to clarify the toxic effects of glitter on aquatic organisms and to quantify its proportion to other microplastics in the environment.

2022 - Journal article

Environmental toxicology and pharmacology 96 (2022): 103994. doi:10.1016/j.etap.2022.103994

Keywords: Biomarkers, Marine litter, Mussels, Oxidative stress, Superoxide dismutase

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