Mussel watch program for microplastics in the Mediterranean sea: Identification of biomarkers of exposure using Mytilus galloprovincialis

Francesca Provenza; Darian Rampih; Sara Pignattelli; Paolo Pastorino; Damià Barcelò; Marino Prearo; Antonietta Specchiulli; Monia Renzi;

Microplastics (MPs) are ubiquitous pollutants that have also been detected in the aquatic ecosystems at high
concentrations. The use of shellfish as bioindicators is widespread for assessing and monitoring the environmental quality in both freshwater and marine environments. On this path, biomarkers represent an effective tool
in monitoring programs. This minireview would broaden the existing knowledge on biomarkers of MPs in the
Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. This species was selected as it is widely distributed across the
Mediterranean Sea and used as a bioindicator to monitor the presence of MPs in the marine environment. The
literature search returned only 11 studies, mainly related to oxidative stress biomarkers. Although certain biomarkers were explored to estimate the effects of MPs on M. galloprovincialis, a battery of standardized and
validated biomarkers as well as the inclusion of new ones are needed in future studies to obtain more comparable
and robust findings across the Mediterranean Sea.

2022 - Journal article

Ecological indicators 142 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109212

Keywords: Aquatic ecosystems, Bioindicators, Mussels, Oxidative stress, pollution

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