Impact of marine aquaculture on the microbiome associated with nearby holobionts: The case of patella caerulea living in proximity of sea bream aquaculture cages

Palladino G.; Rampelli S.; Scicchitano D.; Musella M.; Quero G.M.; Prada F.; Mancuso A.; Seyfarth A.M.; Turroni S.; Candela M.; Biagi E.;

Aquaculture plays a major role in the coastal economy of the Mediterranean Sea. This raises the issue of the impact of fish cages on the surrounding environment. Here, we explore the impact of aquaculture on the composition of the digestive gland microbiome of a representative locally dwelling wild holobiont, the grazer gastropod Patella caerulea, at an aquaculture facility located in Southern Sicily, Italy. The microbiome was assessed in individuals collected on sea bream aquaculture cages and on a rocky coastal tract located about 1.2 km from the cages, as the control site. Patella caerulea microbiome variations were explained in the broad marine metacommunity context, assessing the water and sediment microbiome composition at both sites, and characterizing the microbiome associated with the farmed sea bream. The P. caerulea digestive gland microbiome at the aquaculture site was characterized by a lower diversity, the loss of microorganisms sensitive to heavy metal contamination, and by the acquisition of fish pathogens and parasites. However, we also observed possible adaptive responses of the P. caerulea digestive gland microbiome at the aquaculture site, including the acquisition of putative bacteria able to deal with metal and sulfide accumulation, highlighting the inherent microbiome potential to drive the host acclimation to stressful conditions.

2021 - Journal article

Microorganisms 9 (2021): 1–17. doi:10.3390/microorganisms9020455

Keywords: gastropoda, patella, marine holobionts, microbiome, aquaculture, 16S rRNA gene sequencing

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