Development of a Thermo Degradation Method to Assess Levels and Distribution of Microplastics in Marine Sediments and Its Application in Two Case Studies: The Northern Adriatic Sea (Italy) and Boknafjord (Norway)

Alessio Gomiero; Øysæd Kjell Birger; Pierluigi Strafella; Gianna Fabi; Giuseppe Scarcella;

Plastic waste is of increasing concern in the aquatic environment. A large portion of this plastic waste is
produced onshore and reaches the marine environment, which is considered the main sink of plastic debris.
Floating plastic particles accumulate in pelagic habitats. However, due to biofilm formation they
eventually sink and accumulate on the seafloor together with non-buoyant by design plastic particles,
posing a risk to benthic communities.

2020 - Contribution in volume

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea, 2020

Keywords: Thermo Degradation Method, Microplastics

CNR People


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