Dataset of depth and temperature profiles obtained from 2012 to 2020 using commercial fishing vessels of the AdriFOOS fleet in the Adriatic Sea

Pierluigi Penna; Filippo Domenichetti; Andrea Belardinelli; Michela Martinelli;

In the last decade, an enormous amount of georeferenced oceanographic data, co-located with catch information, have been collected through the use of commercial fishing vessels operating in the Adriatic Sea and belonging to the fleet monitored by the AdriFOOS (Adriatic Fishery and Oceanography Observing System) infrastructure. This document describes the dataset of depth (pressure) and temperature profiles collected by means of AdriFOOS in the period 2012-2020 (available at, Penna et al., 2020) and briefly illustrates the structure of this facility, the oceanographic dataset validation procedures, and some of the results achieved, and it also lists some possible operational applications. This information is of the utmost importance to provide data to feed oceanographic models and advance knowledge on climate change, as well as to improve the ecosystem approach to fishery management.

2023 - Journal article

Earth system science data (Internet) 15 (2023): 3513–3527. doi:10.5194/essd-15-3513-2023

Keywords: AdriFOOS, Adriatic Sea, operational oceanography, fishing vessels, Vessels Of Opportunity (VOOs)

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