Changes in Abundance and Distribution of the Sea Pen, Funiculina quadrangularis, in the Central Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Basin) in Response to Variations in Trawling Intensity

Martinelli M. (1); Zacchetti L. (1); Belardinelli A. (1); Domenichetti F. (1); Scarpini P. (1); Penna P. (1); Medve?ek D. (2); Isajlovic I. (2); Vrgoc N. (2);

Marine resources exploitation through bottom trawling affects marine ecosystems; thus, management should consider the presence of sensitive species as ecosystem health indicators. Epibenthic organisms such as sea pens are widely used to assess benthic conditions, as their populations are declining where trawling is intense. The Pomo/Jabuka Pits fishing ground in the Adriatic Sea, subject to various management measures over the years, is a nursery for European hake and hosts a small, but dense, population of Norway lobster and a remarkable abundance of pink shrimp. The sea pen Funiculina quadrangularis shares its habitat (sandy-muddy bottoms) with these crustaceans. Through UnderWater TeleVision surveys conducted from 2012 to 2019, F. quadrangularis abundance and distribution were quantified in relation to changes in the spatiotemporal distribution of fishing efforts. The average density (n/m2) of colonies was calculated for three periods: BEFORE implementation of measures (before 1 July 2015), during an INTERMEDIATE period in which limitations changed (2 July 2015 to 31 August 2017), and AFTER the implementation of a Fishery Restricted Area (from 1 September 2017). F. quadrangularis revealed an increase in density where fisheries were closed, even after a short period. This showed how management measures can positively influence epibenthic communities and that sea pens can be indicators of impact and/or recovery of habitats.

2023 - Journal article

Fishes On line 8 (2023). doi:10.3390/fishes8070347

Keywords: Funiculina quadrangularis, vulnerable marine ecosystem (VME) indicators, Jabuka/Pomo Pit, Fishery Restricted Area (FRA)

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