A WAV file dataset of bottlenose dolphin whistles, clicks, and pulse sounds during trawling interactions

Di Nardo; F.(1); De Marco; R.(2); Lucchetti(2; 3); A.; Scaradozzi; D.(1);

Globally, interactions between fishing activities and dolphins are cause for concern due to their negative effects on both mammals and fishermen. The recording of acoustic emissions could aid in detecting the presence of dolphins in close proximity to fishing gear, elucidating their behavior, and guiding potential management measures designed to limit this harmful phenomenon. This data descriptor presents a dataset of acoustic recordings (WAV files) collected during interactions between common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and fishing activities in the Adriatic Sea. This dataset is distinguished by the high complexity of its repertoire, which includes various different typologies of dolphin emission. Specifically, a group of free-ranging dolphins was found to emit frequency-modulated whistles, echolocation clicks, and burst pulse signals, including feeding buzzes. An analysis of signal quality based on the signal-to-noise ratio was conducted to validate the dataset. The signal digital files and corresponding features make this dataset suitable for studying dolphin behavior in order to gain a deeper understanding of their communication and interaction with fishing gear (trawl).

2023 - Journal article

Scientific data (2023). doi:10.1038/s41597-023-02547-8

Keywords: Cetacean sounds, passive acoustic monitoring, dolphin whistles

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