30.01.2025 - Mazara Del Vallo
The call for proposals “FishMed PhD – Innovative Technologies and Sustainable Use of Fisheries and Biological Resources of the Mediterranean Sea” (A.Y. 2022/2023), the international PhD program of the University of Bologna developed in collaboration with CNR IRBIM, has been published. FishMed-PhD aims to train a new generation of experts in innovative technologies for the study of marine resources, biology of fisheries species, and blue biotechnology. Students will carry out interdisciplinary research activities, alternating experiences in highly specialized courses, and using the most advanced methodologies. They will develop skills on dissemination and communication of scientific knowledge.
Deadline: 09/06/2022 11:59 pm. Course start date: 01/11/2022.
The scholarships funded by CNR IRBIM will cover:
– Study of trawling activity from vessel geolocation tools as a tool for ecosystem approach to fisheries management
– Interannual variability of physical and biogeochemical parameters in relation to the runoff of major rivers in the Adriatic Sea, and effects of climate change on marine biota
– Dynamic management of an open sea area for port sediment delivery: effects on the benthic environment
– Integrations of key ecosystem components into stock assessment models useful for fisheries resource management
– Analysis of zooplankton and micronecton in Adriatic Sea using multifrequency acoustic techniques.