Degree in Marine and Oceanographic Biology (2004) and PhD in Marine Biology and Ecology (2010) at UNIVPM, since 2006 she has collaborated and since 2009 she has been Technologist at CNR Ancona. she deals with the development of innovative monitoring tools (e.g. Fisheries and Oceanography Observing Systems), evaluation of fishery resources, GIS, databases (e.g. from surveys, biological sampling of commercial catches etc). Since 2010 she has been the scientific manager of the UWTV program for Norway lobster in the Adriatic (in collaboration with IZOR Split and FAO adriamed, 2012-2015 sponsored by RITMARE), since 2013 of the AdriFOOS infrastructure and related activities in EU projects (e.g. FP7 JERICO, FP7 NEXOS, H2020 JERICO NEXT, H2020 NAUTILOS) and since 2016 a monitoring of the Fishery Restricted Pomo Area sponsored by MIPAAF.
Supporting political and operational decisions in the fisheries sector in order to contribute to the protection of marine ecosystems and the economic well-being of the communities involved
NAUTILOS was created with the goal of complementing and expanding existing observational instruments and services in the EU, and enabling the collection of marine data with greater spatial resolution, temporal regularity, and length than currently available.
The research activities of the Institute are carried out in the context of research, development and innovation projects, both national and international, based on regional funding programs (POR FEAMPA - Regional Operational Program of the European Maritime Affairs Fisheries Fund and Aquaculture and POR FESR - Regional Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund) or ministerial (PRIN - Projects of relevant national interest, PNRA - National Research Program in Antarctica, PO FEAMPA - National Operational Program European Maritime Affairs Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund) , programs for European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg), direct funding programs of the European Commission (Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe, Life, JPI - Joint Programming Initiatives, ERA-NET Cofund) and thematic collaboration initiatives managed by international organizations such as, for example , the FAO - GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean). The Institute also develops funded projects in the context of collaborations with private companies in the sectors of the blue economy as well as technology transfer and research results. Research projects, mainly of a collaborative nature, are developed through a wide network of partners that include major Italian and foreign research institutions and universities.