Giada Bargione


I have collaborated on research projects in the field of fisheries technology and conservation of protected marine species, testing mitigation devices for the reduction of bycatch in commercial fisheries. For about four years my main target group has been bivalve molluscs. Studies on the biology, age, growth, survival and damage inflicted by the gear during the fishing activity have been conducted in order to manage sustainably these resources in the Italian seas. I am the author and co-author of a dozen scientific articles on research and experimentation on commercial fishing in the Mediterranean and on the study of the biological cycle traits of target and non-target species.



Curriculum Vitae:

My Pubblications:

The research activities of the Institute are carried out in the context of research, development and innovation projects, both national and international, based on regional funding programs (POR FEAMPA - Regional Operational Program of the European Maritime Affairs Fisheries Fund and Aquaculture and POR FESR - Regional Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund) or ministerial (PRIN - Projects of relevant national interest, PNRA - National Research Program in Antarctica, PO FEAMPA - National Operational Program European Maritime Affairs Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund) , programs for European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg), direct funding programs of the European Commission (Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe, Life, JPI - Joint Programming Initiatives, ERA-NET Cofund) and thematic collaboration initiatives managed by international organizations such as, for example , the FAO - GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean). The Institute also develops funded projects in the context of collaborations with private companies in the sectors of the blue economy as well as technology transfer and research results. Research projects, mainly of a collaborative nature, are developed through a wide network of partners that include major Italian and foreign research institutions and universities.

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