National Biodiversity Forum organized by the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC)

On 20, 21 and 22 May, the National Biodiversity Forum, organized by the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC), was held. Hosted by the University of Palermo, over 600 researchers from all over Italy discussed sensitive issues such as the restoration of degraded areas, nature conservation, the relationship between nature and well-being and the development of effective tools to prevent biodiversity loss. The ultimate goal of the NBFC is to conserve, restore, monitor and enhance Italian and Mediterranean biodiversity. During the two days, the plenary sessions welcomed the reports of expert Italian researchers on the following topics: The state of biodiversity in Italy, Threats to biodiversity, Invasive and endemic species, Biodiversity Restoration, Innovative technologies for biodiversity monitoring. This was followed by 5-minute presentations of a selection of posters. In addition, round tables were held in parallel sessions on Biodiversity Enhancement: Bioprospecting for Human Health and Biodiversity for Productive Activities; Research and innovation in biodiversity in NBFC; and technical tables on: Conservation, Citizen Citizen Science and Biodiversity Expert. In the final phase, prizes were awarded as “career recognition” for renowned scientists, the 15 best posters were awarded and awards were given also to 8 Spokes leaders including IRBIM Director Gian Marco Luna, leader of Spoke 2 together with his colleague Prof. Maria Chiara Chiantore. Also present at the event were the president of the CNR Maria Chiara Carrozza, IRBIM heads Luca Bolognini and Sergio Vitale and several IRBIM researchers from Mazara Del Vallo, Ancona and Messina. During the days, the Italian scientific community shared the most significant results of the latest research on the theme of biodiversity and in front of the more than 300 posters, rich exchanges of experiences and possible collaborations were held. Finally, on May 22nd, recognized worldwide as the “International Day for Biological Diversity“, the Biodiversity Gateway was presented, a gateway of access and connection dedicated to supporting the design of concrete international scientific and technological collaborations concerning the Mediterranean. Among the promoters of the Gateway – NBFC, in addition to the University of Palermo and Arpa, the CNR plays a fundamental role as coordinator of the project. You can watch the event on the NBFC channel and find the detailed program, information material and posters presented on the NBFC page dedicated to the National Biodiversity Forum 2024.

22.05.2024 - Mazara del Vallo

Ultime News

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