Assessment of seabed litter in the Northern and Central Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) over six years

Strafella, P.; Fabi, G.; Despalatovic, M.; Cvitkovic, I.; Fortibuoni, T.; Gomiero, A.; Guicciardi, S.; Marceta, B.; Raicevich, S.; Tassetti, A. N.; Spagnolo, A.; Scarcella, G.;

Seabed debris is much less investigated in respect to the sea surface and shores due to sampling difficulties and costs. However, detecting marine benthic litter is fundamental for developing policies aimed at achieving the Good Environmental Status in European Seas by 2020, as requested by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

2019 - Journal article

Marine pollution bulletin. 141 (2019): 24–35. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.12.054

Keywords: Marine litter, Adriatic Sea, Spatial distribution, GIS, Marine debris, Litter sources

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