CNR-IRBIM participated in the second Forum on Fisheries Science in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (FishForum), the largest scientific meeting dedicated to fisheries and related issues. The FishForum aims to promote discussion and cooperation between scientists and policymakers for the production of scientific advice, in order to better shape the future of fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea and advance the region towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). CNR IRBIM researchers from Mazara del Vallo Sergio Vitale (Oral presentation) and Umberto Grande (Oral presentation) and from Ancona Alessandro Lucchetti (Oral presentation), Daniel Li Veli (Oral presentation) and Pamela Lattanzi (Poster) joined over 400 participants to discuss fisheries research from different perspectives: oceanographic, social and economic, for effective fisheries management. Among the colleagues who participated in the Fishforum there was also Enrico Arneri who participated in the round table “Expert roundtable: Fisheries research in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea”. Their scientific contributions were widely appreciated by the scientific community present at the event. Three themes were central to the event: better science for better advice, healthy seas and sustainable fisheries, and economic and technical innovation. In addition to these, a central topic was climate change, an issue of enormous importance for fisheries everywhere, and particularly in a region that is warming 20% faster than the global average. Several speakers addressed key aspects of the topic, including how to increase knowledge of the effects of ocean warming on regional fisheries and the potential adaptation strategies available. In particular, an agreement was reached to establish a network of climate experts dedicated to fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. From this LINK you can access the program and the contents of the forum.
Finally, Jade Millot, a French PhD student under the supervision of IRBIM colleague Mazara del Vallo Valentina Lauria, won for the best presentation in the “Early career scientist” category with an oral communication entitled “Vulnerable marine ecosystem conservation and spatial planning in the Mediterranean”.